27 March 2016

New Project|The Creative Typo

Hi everyone!

First and foremost, I know it's been ages since I've written a post to this blog. Whoops!

The last while has been a lot of moving around and trying new things, and somewhere in the process my Macbook stopped working. Luckily by the power of the internet, I managed to troubleshoot my issues and fix the computer (yay!).

That being said I recently started a new project called The Creative Typo. It's something I am very passionately working on whenever I have the time to do so.  It's more than just a music group, or album, but a collaborative effort of creative individuals to express themselves the way they do best, whether that be via music, painting, video creating, and so on.  The goal is to inspire people to find the things they love and follow it. Without getting into too much detail about it all, check out my post for the breakdown and my vision here . Or follow my blog here for updates and happenings.

I also started a GoFundMe campaign which you can check out here for information and to help me progress with the project.

Thanks for the support, and Happy Easter