22 June 2011


Life is not pain problem-free. As one of man said, “You’re either in a crisis, coming out of a crisis, or about to go into a crisis.”

Life is not all sunshine and lollipops (apologies if this is the first time you're hearing of this), it's true. Real life has it's ups and downs, low points, and high points. How we deal with them, can be directly influenced by our relationship with God. Sometimes we go through a trial to test our faith (1Peter1:7, 2 Corinthians 13:5, sometimes Satan wants to pull us away form God (John 10:10), and sometimes we just hit a speed bump so to speak, in our lives.

The thing with a struggle, crisis, dilemma, and the like, is that they build character when we persevere, (supposing we don't run off in the corner cowering). If we "man up" in a manner of speaking, push through, (as Paul says, run the race and fight the good fight for the faith), we will stand in the end stronger than we were in the beginning. The deciding factor in all of this, as aforementioned, is a relationship with God. Thus I am brought to my main point.

Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose"

Yes, this is from the bible. We KNOW, not we think, but it is for certain knowledgeability, that we say this. That ALL THINGS, that means everything! Work together for those who love God. See where our relationship with our Heavenly Father comes in? His love never fails, never gives up (1 Corinthians 13). God has a purpose for us (Jeremiah 1:5; 29:11,12).

So whatever your current situation is, remember that God cares about you and loves you. That He has a plan and a purpose for you.

20 June 2011


A fairly vague title, I could think of nothing better to title this as all my creative juices are currently being poured into writing, you guessed it, MUSIC. I was three songs away from my goal for writing my first album, currently however, I can't find the notebook in which I wrote four songs, so I'm sitting at half my songs. Tres sad (I don't really know french). I'm hoping I find that book soon.

A quick tidbit about the project:

I love writing music and I've always wanted to make an album so I started the endeavor a few months back. The album will consist of primarily original songs, the one cover I'm looking at doing more than likely (supposing I can get rights to do it) will be The Stand. It's a song that's meant a lot to me for some years and carries some memories and experiences no other song does. So look forward to that.

I think that's everything for this pointless entry.

Be blessed!

18 June 2011


Two posts in one day, look at me go!

This writing is a result of a conversation I had with a really awesome lady.

We always seem to spend so much time and thought on our circumstances.  The who, what, how's of things.  And we let it draw us away from God.  We put our hope into our finances, instead of God.  We even put our hope in prayer and answered prayer and not God Himself.  A strange concept, but nonetheless true.  Here are a few verses to encourage;

"Cast your anxieties upon the Lord for He cares for you" 1Peter5:7
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you" Matthew6:33
"Pray without ceasing"1Thesselonians5:17


A few months ago I was lucky enough to score an iPhone. This brought me utter joy, then I attempted doing a mobile post to my blog, via said iPhone. Telus does not support this feature however, so it was rather disappointing. This is the least serious post I've ever done, but sometimes we need to be on the lighter side of things. As serious as the bible is, it quite often speaks of rejoicing, and being joyful, and praising. Today, I would like to encourage you all to just get off your buts on to your feet, and praise the Lord.

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath PRAISE THE LORD

07 June 2011


Poetry is something I haven't written much of in the last few years, I wrote this piece today. It has no real style to it or anything, but all I can tihnk to call it is a poem. I hope it maybe stirs something up in someone.

What makes each of us who we are? What comprises our identity?
Is there anything that makes us unique, or are we all just pointless, faceless beings Is there a hope of anything in life, or do we just go about our day to day?
Just living however we can, do we go through life, half-hearted and jaded.
Slowly going numb each day, clinging to the remnants of our so-called, identity.
Forsaking every shred of our dignity, is that what we're meant to be?
Lifeless in a selfish society? Faceless, in an apathetic crowd?
Oh why must we live like this, or can we call it living?
Must I suffer, day after day, wondering the why's and the what's,
of an insufferable and meaningless existence.


Lord help my unbelief, help me to cling to what is good and true,
and in so, cast out anonymity and idolatry.
Building a flawless identity and become a man of dignity,
integrity; boasting the power of your divinity.
Each one special in your heart, made to be a part
each one special in your eyes. Oh Lord, how great your love.
It is NOT hopeless, NOT meaningless, NOT without a purpose.
Destiny, and delivery, not sorrow and misery.
Thank you GOD, for what you did for me, what you do to me.
And though I do not deserve, you bled and died on calvary,
for how much you do love me, and for all man to see,
you are, Everlasting Majesty.

06 June 2011

When I'm Found In The Desert Place

I haven't written in a while, but believe me there is reason behind this. I wish to write nothing, if it does not have God in it. May any words I put forth, be only what God wishes for me to say.

I've been going through a bit of a spiritual desert of late. Specifically, the last two months or so. The purpose behind a desert is usually for growth and maturing, or else preparation. For instance Elijah went into the desert before God sent him to do great things, Jesus went into the desert where he was tempted and then grew more spiritually with His heavenly father. John the Baptist grew spiritually in the desert. And so I consider myself priveleged to experience any form of desert these men of God faced. It's a sign of bigger things to come, and gets me excited as to what God has in store ministry wise.

I decided I would write a little bit of deserts just for any going through a similar thing, so that you would not feel hopeless, nor become discouraged. As I stated previously, God uses the desert experience to prepare you, grow you, mature you, or even break you. Perhaps you rely on people too much, and so you're being pushed into a position you must fully rely on Him instead of those people. Perhaps you have to some extent, taken for granted the power of the cross, or just haven't been in His presence like you should, and so He's pushing you into a position where you spend more time with Him. Whatever it is, remember, God has a plan for you, and He loves you, and will not abandon nor forsake. Don't let the lies of the enemy pull you into believing things that are not true. It may feel like God has turned His back on you, but the bible promises He will not leave nor forsake. He loves us so much, He gave His only son so we could have a relationship with Him.

What to do with your desert:
I'm not a fan of pragmatics and lists, but here some ideas a friend of mine gave.
-Thank God for everything, every little thing, but only if you're actually thankful for it, He judges the motives of man's heart, remember that.
-Let Him know how awesome He is, spending time in praise and worship and prayer, even when you don't feel like it, is perseverance. And character is built through perseverance, God wants men of character.
-Don't stop, while your relationship with God may appear to be on a standstill, it isn't, He's still there, He still wants you, but He may be wanting you to put more forward. Perhaps there is an area in your life you're not giving up, not denying yourself daily in some way.

And remember above all else, Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness. The greatest calling in life, is to have a relationship with the God of the universe.