07 March 2012

Some Personal Thought On This Kony Business

There is a lot of controversy over this.  Some say that there are others worse than him, some say that nothing will change if we do do something, some are all in for it.  This is how I'm kinda feeling about things.

So, because there are more than one bad guy, we do nothing? Despite the fact that, there would be one less person causing trouble, we shouldn't care? I take it that because we can't just clean sweep everything at once, we just shouldn't try? I'm not a supporter of Invisible Children by any means. But this transcends beyond politics, beyond what looks bleak. It's about hope, and that all people should be able to live without the fear the people in those countries live in. Perhaps, by taking down one person, by a united effort in standing up for something, more people will do the same. That's what I see in this, people finally getting up and doing something, because there can be hope in the world, but it's up to our population to do something because we have the resources. 

IC isn't the only organization involved in this, Crossroads (they do 100 Huntley Street and other media), has been involved in a similar undertaking for years. Trying to free girls from sex slavery, and families from the oppression over in that region. IC has simply taken an initiative, that I must say I admire.  I'm an advocate with Compassion Canada, but that has nothing to do with which organization is doing what, I support World Vision in their mission, as well I support TOMS, and other like-minded organizations that i know are doing something.  There is controversy around IC for various things, but who am I to judge.  I'm not giving them my livelihood, but I am joining in with them, to help make it so there is one less person out there committing these crimes.  

And we know that the issue isn't so much in Uganda anymore, for those bringing that arguement up, they state that in their KONY2012 video (if you've actually watched it). The LRA has spread to other areas of Central Africa. Which creates two problems, more politics, and more hiding.

And if you want to argue biblical truth, here's a few tidbits for you.
James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress.
Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O man, what is good;And what does the Lord require of you.  But to do justly,To love mercy,And to walk humbly with your God?

I'm trying to seek justice for the oppressed, I don't plan on having Kony shot in the face, as that verse in Micah speaks of Mercy, and I would venture to say that freeing child slaves and restoring families would be a close shot to what James 1:27 is sayin.

The children are the next generation of doctors, lawyers, politicians, rulers, pastors, cooks, should we not be fostering in them a sense of hope? Should they not see the world as a good place, and not a place of fear?

To reiterate:
-Not a supporter of the IC organization
-Is a supporter of Justice and aiding the next generation.
-There's more than just which organization is doing something, but seeking justice.

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