I write this as a single man. Because who knows, I could walk through the doors of a store tomorrow and find the woman of my dreams. This is something important for single, and even married men. You can correct me if I'm wrong somewhere. Now, to the point. This does jump around a bit, but I hope people get something from it. It's something that's been on my heart for a while.
"Men" today and Real Men are two different things. A man today is considered simply as some guy, over the age of majority in his place of residence, who probably lives on his own, or with someone else other than, say parents, and works at a job to pay bills and seek self serving pleasures. By these terms, there are a lot of "men" out there.
We've created a society that has us pushing away from those good ol' family values. Where we respect women as a gift from God, and not just a pleasure object. There has been a shift in thinking from starting a family and having the man at the head of the family, to people being more independant (the idea isn't so bad, but the practice today, isn't so great).
We've become a society of self, we seek personal gain and satisfaction above most other things. So we either strive to to gain more for ourselves, or become content with where we are because we're comfortable. Depression has become such a large issue, it's easy to see why. We don't set goals, or else we do, but with no Godly wisdom. We remove God wholly from the equation, and wonder what happened.
There were single men in the bible that were great witnesses and so on and so forth. Phillip and Stephen in the book of Acts for example.
Many signle men today, are not men, but boys. They take responsibility for nothing, but want want, everything. I recently heard a sermon on this topic. Men need to build, and grow, and harvest. When God made man, He told him to work the land. Some where in the mix, that got taken away from some part of man. Creating the complacency we see now. Men building their empires, or destroying them, in video games.
I feel this is an incredibly important subject, and something all men, married or single need to know about. Men need to be just that, Men. Not a kid playing grown up, but a real man. Someone who seeks justice, shows respect, and follows what is right.
But maybe that's just me, maybe I'm just some weird guy who thinks that men today could be so much more. That, too many, have just given up. And some, just need to grow a set of balls (putting it bluntly).
I'm a single guy, but I look at the season of being single as a gift. We have more time readily avaliable for the Lord. Because when we find that woman God has intended for us, and we become one, we need to love her, like Christ loves the Church. For that reason, we need to look at our definitions of what a man is. Is it simply lifestyle, income, and materialism? Or is there something deeper to what a man is? I would argue the latter. A man is made up of more than exterior, but interior. Where's his heart? Where are his priorities? Does he have any plans in life? Or is he a life long drifter?
To woman, if you're married and happy, congrats!! If you're single and looking, look at each man carefully, don't jump from desperation, it will probably be the worst thing you do. It's better to be single and wait, then to jump the gun and be hurt. I've been there, it isn't pleasant. It's never worth the hurt. Set standards, don't compromise them, or your principles. If you have to do either, than the person, is not worth it. I've been single two years, and I'm gonna be single longer yet, at least I think so. Love, is worth waiting for, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Enjoy the time you have between you and God. I think that's all I have to say for now.
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