04 September 2011

Body Of One

If you see someone is having a hard time, go to them, help them. If they're in a low point in their life, go to them, lift them up. Do not wait until it is fixed and rejoice with them. But mourn with them as they are in the former, do not simply go with the latter. 1 Corinthians 12

We are one body unified in Christ, yet we live so much in opposition to this.  We hold grudges against each other in church for almost anything, jealousy runs rampant when someone receives something we don't, we hope others put forth a hand to those in need.  A body works as one, the church is a body, we should be one.

I was going through a difficult time for a while, I suffer from random stints of depression, that was coupled with being unemployed for 8 months.  Everything started going uphill when a young lady my age mentioned to me that it she was glad to see me happy because she knew I was going through all that stuff.  Now this isn't all about me, but it got me wondering, do we do that?  Do we see someone suffering, and hope someone else will fix it?  Psychologists call it a diffusion of responsibility. How it works: Group A (the larger the better) sees Person B in a crisis of some sort.  The larger group A is, the less likely someone is to help Person B during said crisis.  Studies have been done on this, an opposing idea has not yet come up.  Are we mingling into the crowd to not stick out?  

The bible calls us to something else.  We are called the light and salt of the Earth (Matthew 5), we are set apart and called to be different and to make a difference.  So I wish to issue this challenge, when you see someone going through a challenge, walk WITH them, not around them.  

1 Corinthians 12:26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.

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