Music is very much about taste. To declare one genre greater than another is foolish. Genres vary, and some genres are a result of preceding genres. We would not have Metal today, if it were not for the Rock and Roll movement before, and the Blues/Jazz movement. And those genres wouldn't exist if it wasn't for classical composers such as Beethoven and Bach the "rock stars" of their day.
This is something that always gets me going when I hear a comment like "(INSERT GENRE)sucks" or, I hate "(INSERT ARTIST)". They don't enjoy the style of the artist, or the genre, and thus deem it to be musically unworthy of consideration. I'm not a fan of Ke$ha, or Lady Gaga, or any of those artists, it's not a genre I'm in to, or artists I'm a fan of. I won't discredit them, they obviously know what they're doing with sold out shows and high Record Sales.
One artist in particular has been up for discussion in my circle of friends lately, (please keep in mind we're all twenty something musicians), Justin Beiber. Ever since JBeibs entered the music scene he's been the brunt of jokes and criticism as well as critical acclaim. His music? Not really my taste. He was discovered because of his voice, I personally as a musician can not discredit him for that. It was talent that got him where he is, regardless of what pop culture has done with his abilities (unfortunate really).
This brings me to what I think is my final point; Different Strokes, for Different Folks. You may not like Country (a lot of my friends don't), You may love Hip Hop (I don't). I have a lot of Metal Head friends (I'm not one), You may not like Hard Rock (It's my favourite). We all like different music, and as a musician I see it a lot.
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